Being a Fool for Love? Nah, I’m Not Signing Up for That

Author: Mawutor Akosua Ametame

You know the old saying, “love makes you do foolish things”? Well, I’m here to tell you NO THANKS!  I don’t believe in being a fool for love. I’m a proud non-believer in the whole concept. And before you think I’m just being cynical, hear me out.

Love Isn’t About Losing Your Mind

Look, love is beautiful. But should it turn us into fools? Absolutely not. I believe love should uplift and inspire us, not make us question our sanity. God didn’t design love to have us running in circles, desperately trying to hold onto someone who treats us like a backup plan. No one has greater love for us than God and Jesus Christ, and here’s the kicker: they never asked us to be fools in the name of love.

Where’s the Wisdom in Being a Fool?

If we’re honest, being a fool for love often leads to heartbreak, exhaustion, and endless cycles of pain. Love shouldn’t feel like a constant struggle where you’re the only one putting in the effort. If you find yourself always waiting for someone to change, or holding onto someone who clearly doesn’t value you, it’s time to ask yourself, “Is this the love I deserve?”

Now, don’t get me wrong. I’m not saying love is easy or that relationships don’t have their rough patches. But love is a partnership, not a one-person rescue mission. God gave us common sense for a reason, so let’s use it! If anything, they want us to love wisely. After all, Proverbs 4:7 says, “Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore, get wisdom.” So, where’s the wisdom in being a fool for love? Spoiler alert: There isn’t any.

Real Love Is Balanced

When you look at God’s love, it’s perfectly balanced. Jesus gave His life for us, not so we could live in emotional chaos, but so we could experience love that’s pure, wise, and uplifting. Nowhere does it say He wants us to sacrifice our self-respect in the process. He calls us to love others as we love ourselves which means self-love has to come first.

“I Stayed Because I Love Him”—Said Every Fool, Ever

Let’s be real. We’ve all heard the excuses: “I stayed because I love him” or “She’ll change.” Newsflash: If someone consistently disrespects you or takes you for granted, staying isn’t noble, it’s foolish. A relationship isn’t a charity event where you hand out endless second chances.

I don’t care how much you think you love someone, if they have you feeling less than or questioning your worth, that’s not love it’s manipulation. Trust me, God wants better for you. He’s not rooting for you to be a martyr in a one-sided romance.

The Only Foolproof Love Is God’s Love

Let’s face it, being a fool for love is overrated. The only foolproof love that exists is the one God has for us. It’s unconditional, unfailing, and most importantly, wise. It doesn’t ask us to dim our light for anyone or settle for less.

A Little Humour Never Hurt

And hey, a little joke to wrap this up: If you’re considering being a fool for love, just remember, there’s a reason they call it falling in love, not tripping over yourself for love. 😄

And hey, if you ever find yourself in doubt, just ask yourself what would Jesus do? Probably not send that “I miss you” text to someone who hasn’t replied in 3 months. Let’s keep it moving, folks.

So, let’s leave the foolishness to comedy and save our hearts for the love that builds us, not breaks us.

No more fools in love—just people who know their worth. Here’s to loving smart!

No more love blindfolds—just hearts that see clearly. Here’s to loving wisely!

No more hopeless romantics—only hopeful realists. Love smart, live happy!

No more chasing after love—just walking alongside it, with eyes wide open.

4 Replies to “Being a Fool for Love? Nah, I’m Not Signing Up for That”

  1. #Iamachosen, who are you ,are you a chosen😂?

    “What is hell? I maintain that it is the suffering of being unable to love” – Fyodor Dostoesvy

    Loving oneself , others and the world; makes us to love without expectations.

    The way we approach this matter in this modern times is fundamentally broken.

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